Human identity represents both an interesting and endless topic to discuss. Human behavior has always been a mystery that is not always easy to formulate in rigid laws. KLAUSA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019) serves as a painting giving the readers insights about human identity seen from the perspectives of literature and linguistics. Imayah and Amrullah have written in their article entitled “Fenomena Gincu dalam Cerita Pendek Bertajuk ‘Gincu’” (“The Lipstick Phenomena in Short Stories with ‘Lipstick’”. They mention the use of lipstick in Indonesian society is still likely to give negative impacts on women. Imayah and Amrullah assert that fictional texts tend to be dominated by masculinity narratives while on the other hand ignoring the spirit of feminism.
Suhendra has investigated compassionate love in Me Before You. Suhendra mentions that the compassionate love is depicted through the two main characters, Louisa Clark and Will Traynor. They concern not with themselves but with others'. People with compassionate love give impact to others. Both main characters show how they shared a self-giving and caring which resulted in giving full life to other. They do what is good for others.
Sukaton discusses the Cultural keyword 'eling' in Javanese and its implication in Javanese society. According to Sukaton, 'Eling' is a culture-specific word used by Javanese people whose meanings are different from one context to another: religious contexts, everyday communication contexts, and life in general. Moreover, Talaohu has written about Phonetics System in Buginese Language. His paper aims to examine the phonetics system of this largest active language in South Sulawesi. Overall, the findings and analysis clearly show that Buginese language has 21 consonants and 6 vowels. What makes Buginese also special is that there are so many ‘no audible release’ found in plosives, and several syllabic consonants in nasals and fricative [s], as well as a few number of velarized [l]. Whilst concerning vowels, Buginese have exactly 5 vowels [a i u e o ә] in their phonetics inventory.
KLAUSA Vol. 3 No. 1 (2019) concludes with the article by Muttaqin, Sahiruddin, Rodliyah discussing Madurese Language Variations among Regions and Age Groups: Looking at Syntactic and Lexical Variations. Syntactically Madurese language has similar basic word order structure as Indonesian language: the possessive structure is determined by the last sound of the word, either vocal or consonant. Other structures, noun phrase, prepositions, adjective clause, nonverbal clause, and existential clause are much similar to that of Indonesian language. No differences were found in terms of syntactic variations among different ages and regions in Madura. In terms of lexical, some variations do occur as attributed to the socio-cultural background of each speaker. The level of politeness indicates that social level influences the choice of lexical terms used by speakers based on different ages and regions in Madura.