Jurnal Klausa Vol. 6 No. 1, 2022 presents the latest and quality research on multilingualism in social media, creative writing in a literary community, syntactic typology of the Sabu language, Indonesian material development for foreigners, and performance analysis of lion dance.
Researching the multilingualism of K-Pop fans on Twitter, Azzahrah et al. found that fans practice code-switching and code-mixing. To project a more globalized impression, create a friendly conversation, synchronize perceptions, boost language skills, and form an identity are some of the reasons that explain why fans use code-switching and code-mixing. Uniquely, the fans mix several languages, such as English, Korean, Japanese, and even regional languages (e.g., Sundanese) into their Indonesian utterances.
Saputra et al. examine how the literary community members have experienced a reasonably complex learning process, starting from preparing a pentigraf to improving the draft according to input from peers' comments. Saputra et al. believe that pentigraf writing skills are becoming more and more essential when people nowadays have turned to digital media to consume news or literary reading materials. To have these skills, literary community members need an iterative learning and guidance process.
Kale et al. examine the syntactic typology of the language of the Sabu tribe. Using lexical-functional grammar (LFG) and typological theory, Kale found that Sabu has SUBJ and SVO structures. Kale concluded that intransitive, verbal, and intransitive clauses function as SUBJ, OBJ1, OBJɵ, or OBJ2. Based on the marking system or grammatical system, Kale concluded that SL is classified as a mixed or zero language where the language treats A the same as S and the same as P.
Nirmalasari researched the importance of preparing Indonesian language teaching materials for foreign speakers. Teaching materials are a vital component of supporting learning, including BIPA learning. Nirmalasari has written teaching materials development BIPA materials using the 4D development approach. The data in this method are both qualitative and quantitative data. Based on the data obtained, it can be concluded that the teaching materials for BIPA listening using KoPi or Kode Pintar are feasible to apply in BIPA learning classes.
Olivia and Zhu Shuiqing researched the lion dance as part of folk art. They mention that this dance art has a long history and is transforming into a unique traditional Chinese culture. This culture has already been widespread in China. The lion dance, known as barongsai, has been brought to Indonesia by people of Chinese descent. They still practice the lion dance culture up to now. Olivia and Zhu Shuiqing mention that lion `dance in Indonesia has undergone transformation due to several aspects, including religion, the lineage of members, ceremonies, training methods, and functions.