- Jurnal Teknologi, Informasi dan Industri2024-08-26T04:53:31+00:00Muhammad Journal Systems<p>KURAWAL (Journal Technology, Information, and Industry) is a scientific journal which is published by Universitas Ma Chung, Malang, Indonesia. The journal is published two times a year in March, and October. This journal contains a collection of research in information technology, information systems, and industry written by researchers, academicians, professionals, and practitioners. KURAWAL with ISSN 2620-3804 (printed) and ISSN 2615-6474 (online) has been indexed by Google Scholar, Garuda, Crossref, ISSN, Dimensions, BASE, Neliti, Copernicus, WorldCat, ABCDIndex, and One Search</p> DAN ANALISIS KEBUTUHAN PENGGUNA DALAM PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI HUBUNGAN PELANGGAN2024-08-26T04:53:24+00:00Yuanita Maria kartika<p><em>This study aims to plan and analyze the development of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system at PT XYZ, a company in the financial services sector. Facing increasing competition, PT XYZ requires a structured CRM system to enhance operational efficiency, customer relationship management, and support </em>pemasaran<em> and sales activities. This study employs the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC) approach, focusing on the initial two phases: planning and analysis. Data was collected through interviews, observations, and literature studies to formulate the vision and mission, as well as to identify the functional and non-functional requirements of the system. The results indicate that by establishing a clear vision and mission and comprehensively identifying user needs, the planned CRM system can effectively address the operational challenges of PT XYZ. The key features identified include contact management, complaint handling, knowledge support, and </em>pemasaran<em> campaign management. These findings provide a crucial foundation for progressing to the design and implementation phases, with the expectation of improving company performance and strengthening competitive advantage in the market. The study concludes that systematic planning and analysis are critical steps in the development of an effective information system. </em></p>2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SISTEM CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT UNTUK MENINGKATKAN EFISIENSI OPERASIONAL DAN KEPUASAN PELANGGAN2024-08-26T04:53:27+00:00Yuanita Maria kartika<p><em>This study aims to design and implement an effective Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system for PT XYZ, a company operating in the financial services sector. Through the design phase of the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC), the CRM system is expected to enhance the company’s operational efficiency, particularly in managing customer data, marketing processes, and customer services. The research findings indicate that the developed CRM system successfully meets the identified business needs, such as facilitating customer information management, increasing the effectiveness of marketing activities, and providing faster and more accurate solutions in responding to customer complaints. The implications of this study suggest that a system design tailored to user needs can have a significant positive impact on company performance. Additionally, this research provides practical guidance for other companies in developing CRM systems that align with their specific requirements. However, the study also acknowledges limitations in evaluating the long-term performance of the implemented system. Therefore, future research is recommended to focus on the continuous evaluation of system performance and its impact on customer satisfaction and retention. </em></p>2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## SISTEM CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT2024-08-26T04:53:28+00:00Yuanita Maria kartika<p><em>This study discusses the implementation of a Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system at PT XYZ, focusing on the implementation stages within the System Development Life Cycle (SDLC). The primary goal of this study is to enhance the company's operational efficiency through better customer data management, more systematic prospect reporting, and more effective campaign result monitoring. During the implementation process, various stages were carried out, including system development, testing, and deployment in the company environment. The study's results indicate that the CRM implementation successfully improved operational efficiency, particularly in handling customer complaints and providing comprehensive information access. This study also offers important implications for other companies looking to adopt a CRM system, highlighting the importance of thorough planning and user training to maximize system benefits. Further studies are recommended to evaluate the long-term impact of CRM on company performance and to explore the integration of new technologies such as AI and machine learning into the CRM system.</em></p>2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## STRATEGIS SI/TI PADA STIKES WIDYAGAMA HUSADA MALANG DENGAN METODE WARD AND PEPPARD2024-08-26T04:53:29+00:00Yohana Wulandari Poerbo<p><em>The a process in identifying computer-based application mapping that is useful in helping an organization to carry out business planning and achieve targets. Stikes Widyagama Husada Malang is one of the high schools which in terms of compliance and availability of document notes on development, policies, SOPs and instructions for using Information Systems/applications cannot be properly evaluated because there is no IS/IT strategic plan. Therefore, an IS/IT strategic plan is needed In this study, the IS/IT strategy plan document was prepared at Stikes Widgama Husada using the ward and peppard research method. Ward's method is a method that consists of two stages of input and output. The input stage analyzes current conditions, and the output stage analyzes future conditions. The results of this research are in the form of an IS/IT Strategic Planning Document for Stikes Widyagama Husada for 2023-2026 in the form of a Future Application Portfolio and a road map.</em></p>2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement## KERANGKA KERJA ITIL 3.0 UNTUK PERANCANGAN MANAJEMEN LAYANAN SI/TI PADA PERUSAHAAN MANUFAKTUR (STUDI KASUS : PT XYZ)2024-08-26T04:53:31+00:00Natasha Christita Setiyononatasha@hotmail.comYudhi<p>PT XYZ is a company engaged in manufacturing land transportation and other land facilities. Currently the company is trying to manage, improve, and implement information technology-based business services in order to provide the best service and in accordance with the principles of good corporate governance. Although the company has sufficient information technology support, there is still a lot of information technology governance that must be documented, and the use of information technology services is not running optimally. Therefore, the focus of this research is to design IS/IT service management based on the company's internal business processes so that recommendations for implementing information technology service management are produced. The method used in this research uses the third version of the Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) with the Service Strategy and Service Design domain areas. The research flow is designed based on the processes in each of these domains. In addition, an analysis of the business processes owned by the company was also carried out before they were defined into the two domain areas. The results of the analysis of business processes in the service strategy and service design domains obtained several proposals for information technology services and designs that can be used in the future to optimize the achievement of the implementation of the use of IT services in running the company's business processes.</p>2024-03-29T00:00:00+00:00##submission.copyrightStatement##