Citradirga : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual dan Intermedia <p>Jurnal Citradirga adalah jurnal ilmiah yang diterbitkan oleh Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual Universitas Ma Chung. Citradirga mempublikasikan artikel luaran penelitian, gagasan konseptual, dan review kepustakaan dalam cakupan rumpun ilmu seni, desain, dan media, pada 1) Sub Rumpun Ilmu Kesenian, dalam Bidang Ilmu Seni Intermedia (688), 2) Sub Rumpun Ilmu Media, dalam Bidang Ilmu : a) Fotografi (701); dan b) Televisi/Videografi/Sinematografi (702); serta 3) Sub Rumpun Ilmu Desain, dalam Bidang Ilmu Desain Komunikasi Visual (708). Artikel luaran penelitian dapat berupa ringkasan hasil penelitian dasar (kajian, kritik, tinjauan, atau evaluasi), penelitian terapan (perancangan atau penciptaan), dan peneltian pengembangan (<em>research &amp; development</em>), baik yang bersifat monodisipliner maupun interdisipliner.</p> Program Studi Desain Komunikasi Visual, Fakultas Sains dan Teknologi, Universitas Ma Chung en-US Citradirga : Jurnal Desain Komunikasi Visual dan Intermedia 2656-9973 Visualisasi `Si Pitung` Berdasarkan Cerita Margreet Van Till untuk Memotivasi Perjuangan Bela Negara bagi Generasi Muda <p><em>Folklore always exists in every region, including Indonesia. Folklore is a form of culture and/or history of a place to date. Therefore, existing folklore needs to be maintained by creating the latest literacy that adapts to current era and technology. One of them is by making adaptations of folk tales through digital comics based on internet sites, aka web comic. The aim is to make folklore relevant and easily accessible and become better known to the public. This research uses a qualitative method by referring to book that explaining the setting of the era when folklore occurred and relevant literature studies. Supporting media used as promotional material in this research include social media posting, posters, banners, tote bags, key chains, pins, mugs, hand-held fan.</em></p> Wisnu Bayu Pamungkas Fariza Wahyu Arizal ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 6 01 1 12 10.33479/cd.v6i01.856 Kritik Formalistik Lukisan Starry Night Karya Vincent Van Gogh <p><em>The painting Starry Night by Van Gogh is a famous painting painted in 1889. This painting depicts a night view in a village with a backdrop of mountains and grass. The scratching and coloring techniques make his work look unique. This painting also serves as evidence of his psychological journey, especially during the period of his treatment in a mental hospital. This is a trigger and a reminder for us at this time where mental health is an important thing in life support that we must pay attention to. This issue has been discussed quite a lot lately, especially by the younger generation. The method used in formalistic criticism here consists of 4 stages, 1) Description, 2) Formal Analysis, 3) Interpretation and 4) Evaluation, where the results will produce visual analysis data of the work as well as interpretation of the values ​​related to the Starry Night painting.</em></p> Nurul Dewi Aliefiah Abdul Rohman Prasetyo ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-06 2024-05-06 6 01 13 23 10.33479/cd.v6i01.885 Pengaplikasian AI Video Editing Autopod Terhadap Efektifitas Produksi & Estetika Visual <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The media industry faces various challenges, technological developments and market disruptions, causing traditional media companies to experience a decline in advertising revenue and mass layoffs. To remain competitive and overcome these challenges, media companies are beginning to adapt to various strategies, including artificial intelligence ).</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Now artificial intelligence&nbsp;&nbsp; is starting to be used in various aspects of video content creation, such as for video editing under the name Autopod. With maximum use of AI, media companies can streamline time and operational costs.</p> <p>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; The research method used is qualitative with a participatory approach. This approach aims to develop a more profound and holistic understanding of the experiences and views of researchers who focus on discussing the adaptation and application of AI in the video editing process and its visual aesthetic needs.</p> SUBADI SUBADI ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-10 2024-05-10 6 01 24 31 10.33479/cd.v6i01.926 Perancangan Game Digital Mobile dengan Teknik Dynamic untuk Mengubah Distorsi Kognitif Penderita Depresi Mayor pada Remaja <p>This research investigates the potential of the digital game "Isamu" with the implementation of Dynamic Difficulty Scaling Technique as a therapeutic medium for individuals experiencing low-level major depression within the age group of 18-24 years old. With a focus on enhancing cognitive thinking, the game is designed to contribute positively to the development of adaptive and positive thinking patterns in players. The research findings indicate that the use of Dynamic Difficulty Scaling Technique yields positive outcomes as expected, with challenges tailored to individual abilities. This study not only supports the use of games as a therapy tool for major depression but also demonstrates further potential development in this field.</p> Muchammad Rizhamu Amam T. Arie Setiawan P Jasson Prestilliano ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-10 2024-05-10 6 01 32 49 10.33479/cd.v6i01.929 Analisis Komunikasi Visual Mural Karya Studio Imaginer House Di Café Wow Ponorogo <p><em>In this digital era, visual communication has become an inseparable element in conveying messages and artistic expression. One of the forms of expression can be found in mural art. In Indonesia, mural art has developed very rapidly, so many mural studios have sprung up to offer mural-making services, one of which is Imaginer House mural studio in Malang City. The mural in Wow Ponorogo café by Imaginer House Studio is not only a visual decoration, but also creates a unique atmosphere and illustrates the values and concepts that want to be conveyed, so a research is conducted to analyze the visual communication. The method used is qualitative method with descriptive research. To find out the meaning using Barthes' simeotics theory. This analysis is done in order to know about visual communication such as themes, meanings, and design principles that exist in the Wow Ponorogo café mural.</em></p> Sean Elbert Jeremiah ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-14 2024-05-14 6 01 50 59 10.33479/cd.v6i01.930 Perancangan Motion Comic Cerita Pewayangan Bima dan Dewa Ruci untuk Masalah Krisis Identitas pada Remaja <p><em>Adolescent identity crisis poses risks of leading youths toward negative behaviors such as depression, delinquency, and substance abuse. This design initiative aims to develop a motion comic as an educational tool for teenagers to navigate their self-identity. Employing Design Thinking, the process involves qualitative methods including 5W+1H analysis, interviews, literature review, document analysis, and online research. The motion comic, "Bima and Dewa Ruci," underwent alpha and beta testing for addressing adolescent identity crisis. Findings suggest that while the motion comic can aid learning, it falls short in inducing significant psychological and character changes. Further refinement is necessary for optimal effectiveness. This study emphasizes the potential of motion comics as supplementary educational resources in understanding and addressing adolescent identity crises.</em></p> Riyan Ardiyansyah Rahmat Kurniawan Evy Poerbaningtyas ##submission.copyrightStatement## 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 6 01 60 75 10.33479/cd.v6i01.931