Landasan Strategis Pengembangan Topeng Malangan dalam Bidang Desain
Malangan Mask is one of the endangered cultural heritage of Malang city. It’s proven by the decreasing number of hermitage which keeps the existence of this mask culture, from 8 villages into 4 villages remain. One of the reason is the production and marketing problem of the products in the market which has a completely different from its time. This study aims to analyze the business model of Malangan Mask so that it can be a reference for taking a relevant strategic plan to face the challenges of times. Through the analytical evaluation method obtained from interviews and literacy studies, researchers conducted a SWOT analysis that aims to obtain a strategy to develop product so that it can be more adaptive to current market needs. Several studies related to the masks have been carried out, but few of them focus on the strategy to develop product for business.
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